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Utilities Presents $67,903 Check to CSU for Energy Efficient Design

Posted on: Nov-02-2015

Fort Collins Utilities' Executive Director, Kevin Gertig, presented a $67,903 rebate check to Colorado State University this past Friday for their use of energy efficient design in the recent expansion of the Powerhouse Energy Campus.

The check was presented on behalf of Utilities' Integrated Design Assistance Program (IDAP), which offers financial incentives for energy efficient upgrades on major renovations and new construction projects.

Beginning in 2011, Colorado State designers partnered with IDAP over a three-year period to create a building that would serve as a model for sustainability and energy efficiency.

The finished product is 65,000 square feet of LEED Platinum certified lab, office and community space, expertly integrated into the original 1936 structure. Many of the new energy efficient features had never been used on a project of this scale and are expected to save the university over $40,000 per year in electricity and gas costs.

"We want to acknowledge Colorado State"s design team for the innovation and risk taking that went into this project," said IDAP coordinator, Gary Schroeder. "Their results advanced high performance building practice by a decade, at minimum."

About IDAP: Fort Collins Utilities' Integrated Design Assistance Program (IDAP) offers consultation and financial incentives for project owners, developers, design professionals and builders who create high performing buildings. For more information, visit , call 970-221-6395, email or TDD 970-224-6003.

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You can save water by partially fill the sink with warm water to rinse the razor blade when shaving.

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