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Choose the Renewable Option That’s Right for You#

Aerial view looking north west over solar panels

Our Climate Future

The Our Climate Future plan calls for providing 100% renewable electricity as part of the community-wide carbon reduction goal of 80% by 2030. Fort Collins Utilities continues to increase renewables in the mix of energy delivered to our customers through local solar generation, and in partnership with our wholesale power provider Platte River Power Authority

Choosing Your Electricity Sources

From subscribing to more clean, renewable energy to producing solar electricity on your own roof, Utilities gives customers options to be more sustainable. Even if you rent, don't have a sunny roof, or can't afford your own system, we can help you get to 100% renewable energy right away. Use the table below to help determine your best options.  

  Standard energy mix Green Energy Program Purchase your own solar system Battery storage at your home Leased solar at your home Multifamily Shared Energy System
Source(s) of delivered energy 49% non-carbon mix of hydro, wind, solar in 2022 Wind and solar Solar and grid mix Typically solar or grid mix Solar and grid mix Solar and grid mix
Provided by Fort Collins Utilities Fort Collins Utilities Solar contractor Solar contractor Solar provider Site owner / host
Responsibility for ownership, operations, maintenance Fort Collins Utilities Fort Collins Utilities Homeowner Homeowner System owner System owner
Net metering bill credits No No Yes, for surplus energy returned to grid Yes, for surplus energy returned to grid Yes, for surplus energy returned to grid Yes
Production reduces your energy purchases No No Yes, purchase only what your system cannot provide Yes, purchase only what your system cannot provide Yes, purchase only what your system cannot provide No
Carbon reduction benefit 49% in 2022 Up to 100% Up to 200% Varies by power source Up to 120% Up to 200%
What you pay  Current utility rates Additional 1.6 cents/kWh Average of $4,000 per kW, varies by system Typically more than $10,000, varies by system Monthly payment set by lessor Varies by project
How you pay Monthly utility bill Monthly subscription fee
on Utilities bill
Pay solar installer per contract terms Pay solar installer per contract terms Pay solar installer per contract terms Typically charged by site host
Requires installation on your property No No Yes Yes Yes Installed at host property
Readily accessible to renters Yes Yes No No No No, determined by property owner
Learn more Fort Collins Utilities Energy Vision Green Energy Program Fort Collins Residential Solar Fort Collins Battery Program Fort Collins Residential Solar Fort Collins Shared Energy Systems


Community-Wide Solar Generation#

Graph of estimated solar power generated in Fort Collins that shows increase in production between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.

More than 3,000 of our residential and commercial customers generate solar power. Utilities partnered with Colorado State University to create a visual representation of the estimated total power that grid-connected photovoltaic systems make each day.

Read more about the model by downloading this handout here.

View the Model

Explore Utilities' Programs#

Did You Know?

Utilities offers incentives on ENERGY STAR®-certified clothes washers. 

Insulating and air sealing the walls and roof keeps heat and/or cool air inside your home.

Closing crawl space vents and covering the crawl space floor with at least 6 millimeters of plastic can reduce soil moisture.