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Indoor Commercial Water Rebates#


Planning a bathroom overhaul at your organization? Or, want to make an impact and help save water? Consider replacing water-guzzling toilets with efficient models, and save money while doing it!

Qualifying Equipment#

To qualify for rebates, purchase and install toilets that meet the gallons per flush (GPF) eligibility requirements below. Note: Rebate funds are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.

Commercial toilet and urinal rebates
Current Equipment Type Replace With Rebate 
3.5 GPF (1994 or older) tank toilet

WaterSense tank toilets that use 1.1 GPF or less, MaP Premium listed, includes dual flush toilets

  • Click here for a list of commonly-rebated toilets
$180 (normally $90)
1.6 GPF tank toilet WaterSense tank toilets that use 1.1 GPF or less, no MaP requirement, dual flush toilets ineligible  $120 (normally $60)
3.5 GPF (1994 or older) flushvalve toilet WaterSense flushvalve toilets with average flush rate of 1.28 GPF or less  $260 (normally $130)
1.6 GPF flushvalve toilet WaterSense flushvalve toilets with average flush rate of 1.28 GPF or less  $190 (normally $95)
Urinal 1.0 GPF 
WaterSense Urinals with 0.125 GPF or less  $260 (normally $130)
Urinal 0.5 GPF
WaterSense Urinals with 0.125 GPF or less  $190 (normally $95)

Eligibility and Details#

  • Fixtures must be installed at a Fort Collins Utilities commercial water service address.
  • Fixtures must be purchased in the current calendar year, with the rebate application submitted within 45 days of purchase/project completion and by March 31, 2025.
  • Total incentive amounts over $10,000 require pre-approval before efficiency upgrades begin. Email for more information.
  • New construction and major renovation projects are not eligible for toilet or urinal rebates.  
  • Rebates are available for NEW equipment only. Used or refurbished equipment does not qualify.
  • Water incentives are subject to a $5,000 cap.
  • Total incentives are limited to 100% of a project total upgrade cost.
  • Proof of purchase required. Proof of purchase, or other supporting documentation must include:
    date of purchase, price paid, model information to verify eligibility and shipping information if applicable.
  • Multi-family properties with five or more units per building and a commercial electric meter
    qualify for commercial rebates.
  • Multi-family properties with fewer than five units per building, or individual tenants, with a residential electric meter qualify for residential rebates.

Apply for your rebate

Flushvalve and tank toilets

Flushvalve toilet (left) and tank toilet (right)

A row of commercial washing machines

Receive a rebate when you purchase a commercial grade ENERGY STAR® qualified clothes washer:

  • Residential clothes washer ($25 per unit for electric customers and an additional $75 per unit for water customers)
  • Commercial vended clothes washer ($25 per unit for electric customers and an additional $330 per unit for water customers)
  • Commercial non-vended clothes washer ($25 per unit for electric customers and an additional $165 per unit for water customers)

Sub-metering smart water monitor rebate ($50):

  • Rebate is intended for submeters that attach on the outside of the pipe and are clamp-on installation. Submetering equipment that requires cutting into a water line for installation is not eligible.
  • Must connect to Wi-Fi or cellular data.


  • Fixtures must be installed at a Fort Collins Utilities commercial water service address.
  • Rebate applications must be submitted within 45 days of purchase or project completion.
  • Rebates of $10,000 or more require pre-approval. Email for more information.
  • Water incentives are subject to a $5,000 cap.
  • Rebates may be applied to new construction if fixtures exceed current code requirements.

Apply for your rebate

water equipment

Business customers can receive a rebate for water conservation projects that don't fall into any of the specific rebate categories.

  • Rebates of $10 per 1,000 gallons ($5,000 per acre-foot) saved annually are available for eligible customers.
  • Rebate is capped at 50% of project cost.


Items must be:

  • Installed at a Fort Collins Utilities commercial water service address.

Visit Efficiency Works to get started

Did You Know?

Using power strips to turn off selected appliances when not in use helps reduce energy use.

Opening curtains and shades during the winter can help the sun warm your home.

We offer several residential and commercial programs to help you save energy, water and money.