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Proposed Improvement Maps#

Fort Collins is divided into 12 drainage basins. Locate the basin number on the map and click the corresponding link below to see proposed improvements in that basin.

Learn more about the Stormwater Master Plan update.

Improvement Maps by Drainage Basin#

  1. Cache la Poudre - none proposed
  2. Dry Creek (PDF 14.7MB)
  3. Cooper Slough/Boxelder (PDF 3.9MB)
  4. West Vine (PDF 1.2MB)
  5. Old Town (PDF 3.3MB)
  6. Canal Importation (PDF 4.3MB)
  7. Spring Creek (PDF 3.5MB)
  8. Foothills (PDF 14.4MB)
  9. Mail Creek (PDF 14.1MB)
  10. Fox Meadows (PDF 1.0MB)
  11. McClellands (PDF 1.2MB)
  12. Fossil Creek (PDF 1.2MB)

Did You Know?

Cleaning your dryer filter regularly prevents lint build ups that can reduce airflow resulting in clothes not drying completely.

You can save water by installing WaterSense showerheads.

Watering every third day helps the grass develop deeper roots and use moisture deep in the ground.