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Participant Information#

Program Milestones#

First Milestone - Deadline Sept. 15
1 - Attend program orientation at 222 Laporte Ave. If you missed the in person orientations, you can watch the orientation video here and take this quiz to receive credit.
2 - Create an online account and sign up for Monitor My Use
3 - Sign up for a Larimer County Conservation Corps (LCCC) Water and Energy Program assessment
4 - Complete pre-program survey
5 - Apply for an in-home energy audit and retrofit opportunity (see below)
6 - Submit progress report by Sept. 15

Second Milestone – Deadline Dec. 15
✓ All first milestone activities completed
1 - Attend first energy conservation activity (see below)
2 - Submit progress report by Dec. 15

Third Milestone – Deadline March 15
✓ All first and second milestone activities completed
1 - Attend second energy conservation activity (see below)
2 - Complete LCCC assessment
3 - Submit progress report by March 15

Fourth Milestone – Deadline May 15
✓ All first, second and third milestone activities complete
✓ If you haven’t already, complete an in-home energy audit and retrofit opportunity
1 - Complete post-program survey (survey will be available in May)

Energy Conservation Activities#

Choose two of the following

  • Museum of Discovery Tour - Learn what the City is doing to save energy and reduce its impact through this fun tour. Admission to the Museum will be free for you and your family to enjoy for the day!
  • Voltbusters Energy Conservation Challenge – Who can save more energy? This challenge will run for 4 weeks and actions can be completed on your own time. Compete with other participants by completing simple, no-cost actions that reduce your energy use, save you money and win prizes!(Feb. 11 - Mar.10)
  • GRID volunteer solar installation – Learn about your solar energy and gain valuable skills by participating in a hands-on installation.
  • Fort Collins Utilities Assistance – A crisis can impact any one of us, and any one of us could find ourselves struggling to pay bills. Representatives from Utilities will be on hand to help you find programs that can help, and to inform on ways to save energy and water at no cost. Staff will be available to answer questions and assisting with applications. Energy-saving prizes for participants! (April 24, 6-7 p.m.)

Energy Efficiency Retrofit#

Choose one of the following

Click here to download a printable resource guide.

Did You Know?

You can save water by partially fill the sink with warm water to rinse the razor blade when shaving.

You can prevent clogs and expensive repairs by only flushing the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper.

We operate a flood warning system that monitors real-time rainfall information.