Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 4)#
Between April 2019-June 2020, Fort Collins Utilities participated in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Fourth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 4).
Approximately 6,000 utilities nationwide monitored unregulated contaminants for a year to help the EPA determine the occurrence of these contaminants in drinking water and whether they need to be regulated in the future. EPA uses the UCMR to collect data for contaminants that are suspected to be present in drinking water and do not have health-based standards set under the Safe Drinking Water Act. We are committed to protecting public health and support EPA’s research.
UCMR 4 included monitoring for a total of 30 chemical contaminants: 10 cyanotoxins (nine cyanotoxins and one cyanotoxin group) and 20 additional contaminants (two metals, eight pesticides, one pesticide manufacturing byproduct, three haloacetic acid [HAA] groups, three alcohols, and three semivolatile organic chemicals [SVOCs]). Learn more »
- EPA’s UCMR 4 Fact Sheets
- See UCMR 4 data results: National Contaminant Occurrence Database
For more information
Call Utilities' Water Quality Lab at 970-221-6863 or waterquality@fcgov.com.
Summary of Water Quality Testing Results* for Parameters Included in UCMR 4 Test List#
*This table only includes parameters that are also included in the UCMR 4 test list. View our annual Water Quality Report for details on routine water quality testing.
Parameter Class | Parameter | Units | Average | Untreated/Treated Water |
Cyanotoxins | Total microcystins | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Microcystin-LR | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Microcystin-LA | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Microcystin-LY | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Microcystin-RR | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Microcystin-LF | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Microcystin-YR | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Nodularin | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Cylindrospermopsin | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Cyanotoxins | Anatoxin-a | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
HAA Indicators | Total Organic Carbon | ug/L | 2900 | Untreated Horsetooth |
HAA Indicators | Total Organic Carbon | ug/L | 3600 | Untreated Poudre |
HAA Indicators | Bromide | ug/L | No detections | Untreated Horsetooth |
HAA Indicators | Bromide | ug/L | No detections | Untreated Poudre |
Haloacetic Acids | HAA5 | ug/L | 23.2 | Treated |
Haloacetic Acids | HAA6 | ug/L | 1.9 | Treated |
Haloacetic Acids | HAA9 | ug/L | 23.4 | Treated |
Metals | Manganese | ug/L | 1.2 | Treated |
Metals | Germanium | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Alcohols | 1-Butanol | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Alcohols | 2-Methoxyethanol | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Alcohols | 2-Propen-1-ol | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | a-BHC | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Chlorpyrifos | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Dimethipin | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Ethoprop | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Oxyfluorfen | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Profenofos | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Permethrin | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Tebuconazole | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | Tribufos | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pesticide | o-Toluidine | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
Pharmaceutical | Quinoline | ug/L | No detections | Treated |
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