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Fort Collins Ranks 13 in Georgetown University Energy Prize Competition

Posted on: Jan-26-2016

Fort Collins ranks 13 out of 58 U.S. communities in the Georgetown University Energy Prize competition, in which participants compete to win a $5 million prize for implementing an innovative and replicable energy efficiency plan. The rankings reflect data for the first two quarters of 2015; data for the third and fourth quarters will be released soon.

The Fort Collins community's campaign for the prize, called the Lose-A-Watt Energy Prize, aims to double energy savings from a 2013-2014 baseline by the end of 2016. Lose-A-Watt strives to be a community-based initiative by using social marketing, energy efficiency resources at, employee and volunteer involvement and K-12 education and engagement.

The Georgetown prize encourages participating communities to implement long-term energy efficiency practices. Semifinalists, including the City of Fort Collins, are competing for two years (January 2015 - December 2016) to reduce their community electricity and natural gas use. The top 10 ranked semi-final participants will proceed as finalists.

Georgetown University's data reflect electricity and natural gas usage for competing communities, as well as financial and carbon dioxide savings. More information on the Georgetown University Energy Prize and the City's participation may be found at or

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