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Conservation and Efficiency#

Fort Collins Conserves. It's Our Style.#

Fort Collins has a history of conserving and using our resources efficiently, with programs and campaigns going back decades. Today, we are even more committed to using our resources wisely, as shown by the 35% decrease in per person water use since 2000 and that despite our population growth, energy efficiency programs have helped limit the increase in electricity use - it would have been 15% higher. 

Our conservation efforts are critical in addressing current and future challenges like climate change, resource scarcity and population growth. 

Together, We Can Make a Difference#

Everyone can make a difference, whether it’s efficient lawn watering, turning off the lights when not in the room or completing more in-depth efficiency upgrades on your property. Each individual action adds up and we wouldn’t be able to do it without you.

By making efficient choices, we all win. The City moves closer to its conservation goals and your home or business will feel more comfortable, perform better and save you money.

Programs & Rebates#

Did You Know?

Watering in the early morning or late evening when there's less wind reduces water loss.

You can prevent clogs and expensive repairs by only flushing the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper.

Permanent "duct mastic" material – not duct tape – should be used for sealing attic ductwork and crawl spaces.