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Northeast College Corridor Outfall, Phase 1 and 2#

Site location on Vine Drive looking west

Project Description#

Utilities is improving storm drainage as part of the ongoing Northeast College Corridor Outfall Project (NECCO). Portions of the floodplain in the Alta Vista neighborhood were removed as a result of these improvements.

This project included construction of a 10-acre regional detention and water quality pond that will flow through stormwater box culverts and eventually into an open channel into Dry Creek south of Vine Drive. In Phase 1, the stormwater infrastructure was installed along the future Suniga Drive right of way north of Vine Drive from Redwood Street east to the Lindenmeir Outfall. A 12-inch waterline was added from Redwood Street to Lemay Avenue. This work was completed in May 2017.

Phase II was the 2018 construction of the NECCO Pond located at Suniga Road and Redwood Street and the outfall channel east of the Lindenmeir outfall. This work took place January through May and final landscaping was complete in August. Through a partnership with City Engineering, Utilities hauled excavated material to the location of the future re-aligned Lemay Avenue overpass and roadway bridge at Vine Drive. Find more information here about the Vine/Lemay overpass:

Did You Know?

It is recommended that you aerate your lawn once a year.

Installing cooking vent hood controls with VFD fans and sensors (rebates available) at your business can help save energy and money.

Fort Collins Utilities is committed to quality. See our annual Water Quality Report.