FC Moves#
FC Moves is a department within the City's Planning, Development, and Transportation Service Area that exists to advance mobility solutions to increase walking, bicycling, transit use, shared and environmentally sustainable modes. To learn more about our Vision, Mission and Values, click here.

Everyone is a pedestrian at some point in their trip, either walking or rolling. Fort Collins strives to be a safe, easy place to walk, whether you walk for your health or to get to work.
To find out more about walking in Fort Collins check out our FC Walks webpage.

Bicycling is a fun, affordable, way of getting around in Fort Collins. At FC Moves we offer numerous opportunities to learn about all the ways of traveling in Fort Collins. This includes learning experiences, amazing events like Open Streets and Bike to Work Day.
To find out more about bicycling and getting out and riding more visit our FC Bikes webpage.

Safe Routes to School
The City's Safe Routes to School program works to increase the number of students safely walking, bicycling and taking the bus to school through safety classes for K-12 students, improved sidewalks and bike lanes in school areas, enforcement of school-zone speed limits, and other strategies.
To learn more, visit the Safe Routes to School webpage.

Just a few months ago working from home may have seemed like a distant dream. Recent global events have changed the way many of us work and may work in the future. As companies and workplaces rapidly pivot to telecommuting practices, many benefits are becoming clear. Here are some resources to help understand the benefits and reasons to embrace telecommuting and remote work.

Taking the bus is a great way to get around Fort Collins, one that is easy, cheap and great for the environment. To start your bus trip please visit the Transfort web page. To learn more about the future of transit in Fort Collins take a look at the recently adopted Transit Master Plan.

E-bike and E-scooter Share
Shared mobility like e-bike and e-scooter share is a public transportation option that complements transit, supports our climate change goals, and makes it easier for many people to complete trips when they need to take them. Spin operates e-bike and e-scooter share in Fort Collins.

Travel Demand Management (TDM)
FC Moves is developing a travel demand management (TDM) program branded as Shift Your Ride Travel Options. A TDM program employs a suite of strategies to help people SHIFT to travel modes leading to improved mobility, reduced congestion, and lower vehicle emissions.
To learn more about how Fort Collins is supporting electric vehicles (EV), visit the EV Readiness Roadmap page.
Plans in Progress#
The plans below are currently under development. Once adopted, these plans will guide the work of FC Moves into the future. Explore these plans and learn about opportunities for engagement to help shape their development.
N. College MAX Plan#
The City of Fort Collins is developing a future vision for transit service on North College Avenue from Downtown Fort Collins to Terry Lake Road. This study will explore bringing the MAX Bus Rapid Transit Route to North College Avenue.
Adopted Plans#
The plans below have been adopted by City Council and are actively guiding the work of FC Moves. Explore these plans to learn more about how Fort Collins plans to advance mobility solutions.
Active Modes Plan#
The Active Modes Plan updates the 2014 Bicycle Master Plan and 2011 Pedestrian Plan as well as incorporating micromobility devices such as skateboards and scooters. The plan identifies key opportunities to significantly improve and expand the City's existing active modes networks, support facilities, policies, and programs. The plan envisions Fort Collins as a place where walking, bicycling, and using other active modes are safe, accessible, convenient, joyful, and desired by people of all ages and abilities.
Visit our Active Modes Plan page for more information.
Transportation Master Plan#
The 2019 Transportation Master Plan establishes a vision for mobility in Fort Collins, achieved through a safe and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents, visitors, and employees. To achieve this outcome, this plan outlines a bold vision to improve the accessibility, mobility, reliability, and safety of the transportation system for all modes.
Transit Master Plan#
The principles and policies in the 2019 Transit Master Plan provide a high-level framework guiding Transfort’s growth over the next 20 years.
City Plan#
City Plan, adopted in 2019, is Fort Collins’ comprehensive plan that guides how the community will grow and travel in the next 10-20 years. City Plan describes our community’s vision and core values, as well as providing policy guidance and implementation actions to achieve both.
Current Projects#
Paving and multimodal improvements are coming to a street near you. To find out more about our current projects, visit our current projects page.

Which Wheels Go Where
The City is interested in refining rules about which kinds of micromobility vehicles can go where.