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Current Projects#

Paving and multimodal improvements are coming to a street near you. Find up-to-date information below about current and planned projects around the city. The projects are intended to facilitate slower traffic speeds and safer roadways for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, people using micromobility devices, and drivers.

Wabash St. & Benthaven St.#

map of project area for Wabash St./Benthaven St. curb extensions

Project Overview#

The City is installing concrete curb extensions along with stormwater drainage improvements to improve visibility and roadway safety at Wabash St./Benthaven St. This project is recommended in the School Transportation Safety Assessment for Lopez Elementary School and the City's Active Modes Plan. Concrete curb extensions, also known as bulb-outs, extend the sidewalk out into the parking lane. Curb extensions reduce pedestrian crossing distances, reduce the speed of turning vehicles, and improve safety.

Location: Wabash St./Benthaven St., next to Lopez Elementary School

Construction work period: Tentatively October 9 - 19, 2024

Construction impacts: There will be some temporary impacts to parking and through traffic. Visit our Construction webpage for specific detour information, follow posted detour signs in the area, and avoid the intersection during construction if possible.

Example Concrete Curb Extensions#

The images below are from a similar concrete curb extension project recently completed at Oak St./Whedbee St. 

aerial image of curb extensions at Oak St./Whedbee St.

aerial image of example curb extensions 

pedestrians preparing to cross the street in a curb extensions at Oak St./Whedbee St.

pedestrians preparing to cross the street in an example curb extension

example curb extension at Oak St./Whedbee St.

example curb extension


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |

Doug Groves | Stormwater Maintenance Manager, Utilities | 970-224-6024 |

Kari Craven | Civil Engineer II, Engineering | 970-222-3984 |

Centre Ave. Area#

map of Centre Ave. area transportation improvements

Project Overview#

In conjunction with upcoming roadway resurfacing, the City will be making several improvements in the Centre Ave. area that are aligned with the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan and Active Modes Plan which set the ambitious goals of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2032 and achieving 50% active modes share of all trips in support of the City’s broader climate, safety, and equity goals.


  • Centre Ave. from just east of S. Shields St. to just south of W. Prospect Rd.,
  • Worthington Ave. from Centre Ave. to W. Drake Rd., and
  • Research Blvd. from Centre Ave. to W. Drake Rd.

Construction work period

  • Resurfacing, traffic safety, and crossing improvements: Monday, June 20 - Saturday, July 13
  • Separated bike lanes: Later in 2024

Construction impacts

This project will involve directional closures during the work period:

  • Phase 1: Centre Ave. will be closed to eastbound traffic between Worthington Cir. (near S. Shields St.) and Bay Dr. (near W. Prospect Rd.). Westbound traffic will remain open during this time.
  • Phase 2: Research Blvd. will be closed to southbound traffic between Centre Ave. and W. Drake Rd. Northbound traffic will remain open during this time.
  • Phase 3: Worthington Ave. will be closed to northbound traffic between W. Drake Rd. and Centre Ave. Southbound traffic will remain open during this time.
  • Phase 4: Centre Ave. will be closed to westbound traffic between Bay Dr. (near W. Prospect Rd.) and Worthington Cir. (near S. Shields St.). Eastbound traffic will remain open during this time.
  • Phase 5: Research Blvd. will be closed to Northbound traffic between W. Drake Rd. and Centre Ave. Southbound traffic will remain open during this time.
  • Phase 6: Worthington Ave. will be closed to Southbound traffic between Centre Ave. and W. Drake Rd. Northbound traffic will remain open during this time.

View our Construction webpage to see current impacts.

Work summary


The City will resurface the entire work area during this project, improving all pavement conditions.

Traffic safety

Centre Ave. is part of the City's high injury network, which is made up of roads with the greatest share of fatal and serious injury crashes. The Vision Zero Action Plan identifies refuge islands, separated bike lanes, and lane narrowing as safety countermeasures that could help reduce the number of crashes in the top six severe crash types that occur in Fort Collins. 

Crossing improvements

In conjunction with the resurfacing, bike and pedestrian refuge islands will be constructed along Centre Ave., one at the at-grade crossing of the Spring Creek Trail and one at Rolland Moore Dr./Phemister Rd. Refuge islands (or crossing areas) are medians with a refuge area that is intended to help protect pedestrians and bicyclists who are crossing a road. FC Moves is seeking 2050 tax funding for climate initiatives for these improvements.

The Spring Creek Trail underpass of Centre Ave. is frequently flooded for weeks to months at a time during the ditch irrigation season. When the underpass is flooded, trail users have to cross Centre Ave. at street level. Rolland Moore Dr. and Phemister Rd. provide an alternative to the often congested Spring Creek Trail. These routes provide connections to Rolland Moore Park, the Walk and Wheel Skills Hub, Sunshine House preschool, CSU Main and South campuses, Mason Trail, Compass Community Collaborative School, and businesses along College Ave.

Bike facility improvements

In conjunction with the resurfacing, on-street parking will be removed from the east side of Research Blvd. so that buffers can be added between the bike lanes and vehicular travel lanes. On-street parking on the west side of Research Blvd. will be converted to two-hour, time-restricted parking.

Following the resurfacing, separated bike lanes will be installed on Centre Ave. with funding from a federal Safe Streets and Roads for All grant. Plastic curbs with integrated plastic delineator posts will provide vertical separation between the vehicular travel lanes and the bike lanes. Vehicular travel lanes will also be narrowed along Centre Ave. to help reduce vehicular traffic speeds. Both Research Blvd. and Centre Ave. are part of the Centre Bikeway, a key corridor in the City's low-stress bicycle network, which provides access to CSU Main Campus and South Campus, the Gardens on Spring Creek, and other key destinations.

Community Meeting#

The City held a hybrid public meeting for community members to learn more about the Centre Ave. area transportation improvements on Thursday, May 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in person at the Senior Center Lupine room (1200 Raintree Dr.) and online via Zoom. 

Watch the meeting recording


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |

Michael Bussmann | Lead Business Specialist, Economic Health Office | 970-416-2307 | 

Phillip Martinez | Civil Engineer II, Streets | 970-221-6615 |

Jeff Usher | Lead Project Manager, Construction Engineering | 720-270-2653 |

City Park Ave. & W. Mulberry St.#

map of transportation improvements in City Park Ave. and W. Mulberry St. area

Project Overview#

The City is finalizing transportation improvements to City Park Ave. and W. Mulberry St. June 10 - 13, 2024.


  • W. Mulberry St. from City Park Ave. to S. Shields St. 
  • City Park Ave. from W. Mulberry St. to W. Myrtle St.

Construction work period

  • June 10 - 13

Construction impacts

This project will involve occasional impacts to traffic during the work period. All traffic modes should pay attention to signs directing traffic during the project. More information on construction impacts is available in the project press release.

Work summary

The City Park/Mulberry area transportation improvements, which were largely completed in 2023, include the following key components: 

  • intersection improvements at City Park Ave. and W. Mulberry St.,
  • adding/improving bike lanes on City Park Ave. from W. Plum St. to W. Mulberry St.,
  • widening the sidewalk on the south side of W. Mulberry St. from City Park Ave. to west of S. Shields St., and
  • resurfacing the entire project area. 

The following project elements will be completed June 10 - 13, 2024 to finalize the project.


  • June 10 - 11
    • westbound Mulberry St. from City Park Ave. to Shields St. 
  • June 12 - 13
    • eastbound Mulberry St. from City Park Ave. to Shields St. 
    • City Park Ave. from W. Mulberry St. to W. Myrtle St. June 12 - 13.

Bike lanes

The City will fill a gap in the bike lanes on City Park Ave. from W. Mulberry St. to W. Myrtle St. in conjunction with the resurfacing. On-street parking will be removed on the east side of City Park Ave. from W. Mulberry St. to W. Myrtle St. and on the west side of City Park Ave. from W. Mulberry St. to the alley north of W. Myrtle St. to provide space for bike lanes. City Park Ave. is a key corridors in the City's low-stress bicycle network, providing connections to City Park, Bennett Elementary, Dunn Elementary, downtown, and other key destinations.

Intersection improvements

A full signal with pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements was constructed at City Park Ave. and W. Mulberry St. in 2023. The final pavement markings and delineator posts will be installed at the intersection following the resurfacing. 

Neighborhood Meeting#

The City held a hybrid public meeting on transportation improvements in the City Park Ave./W. Mulberry St. area on March 2, 2023 from 6 to 7 p.m. The presentation slides are available here.

Watch the meeting recording


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |

Laporte Ave.#

map of Laporte Ave. improvements from Fishback Ave. to Wood St.

Project Overview#

Following extensive resident outreach and feedback, the City is moving forward with restriping Laporte Ave. from Fishback Ave. to Wood St. to include buffered bike lanes. Adding the buffered bike lanes requires the removal of on-street parking on both sides of the street.

Filling this gap in the bicycle network is a high priority recommendation in the City’s Active Modes Plan. The project will provide a safer bicycle connection to schools, businesses, downtown, and other key destinations. City leadership believes this use of public street space is best aligned with the City’s safety, climate, and equity goals.


Laporte Ave. from Fishback Ave. to Wood St.

Construction timeline

Tentatively scheduled for July 23, 2024

Project summary

This project will fill a critical gap in bike facilities on Laporte Ave. There are currently bike lanes on Laporte Ave. from Wood St. to College Ave. and from Sunset St. to Laporte’s western terminus. In 2024, the City will complete construction of raised separated bike lanes on Laporte Ave. from Fishback Ave. to Sunset St. as part of the Laporte Corridor project. Filling the remaining gap in bike facilities on Laporte Ave. will improve connectivity to Poudre High School, Lincoln Middle School, Putnam Elementary, downtown, CSU’s Foothills Campus, businesses along Laporte Ave., the future Salud Family Health Center, and other key destinations.  

Although the Active Modes Plan recommended retaining parking on one side of the street and adding conventional bike lanes on this section of Laporte Ave., after analyzing the corridor further, the City has decided to add buffered bike lanes and remove parking on both sides of the street for several reasons:

  • Buffered bike lanes provide additional space between vehicular traffic and people riding bikes, offering greater comfort for bicyclists of a wider range of ages and abilities.
  • The City will not have to grind off existing roadway striping. This reduces project costs and construction time.
  • The road centerline can remain at the crown of the road.
  • Current street standards for arterials, such as Laporte Ave., do not include on-street parking.
  • Removing parking on both sides will aid snow removal. It is more difficult for plow drivers to remove snow from bike lanes that are adjacent to on-street parking, and vehicles track snow out into the bike lane when leaving on-street parking spaces.
  • Parking on only one side of the street could induce midblock pedestrian crossings throughout the corridor for residents and visitors who live on the opposite side of the street.
  • Parking available on adjacent blocks is anticipated to be sufficient to meet the demand. 

Neighborhood Meeting#

The City held a hybrid public meeting for community members to learn more about the Laporte Ave. project on Thursday, March 21 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in person at the Putnam Elementary School media center (1400 Maple St.) and online via Zoom. 

Watch the meeting recording

Public Engagement Summary#

The City shared information about the Laporte Ave. project with the community via postcards, fact sheets available on sandwich boards and at businesses along the corridor, emails to partner organizations, at a neighborhood meeting, and during Active Modes Plan development. Community members provided feedback during the meeting, and via email, phone, and in person meetings. 

Some of the key themes that arose from the public feedback include:

  • Some residents expressed support for filling the gap in bike lanes on Laporte Ave. while others questioned whether the improvements were needed since alternative routes are available.
  • Some residents expressed support for removing on-street parking while others expressed concerns about losing on-street parking and diverting parking to adjacent blocks.
  • Residents expressed a desire to reduce traffic speeds on Laporte Ave.

The full public engagement summary is available for printing below. If you require assistance with reading/viewing the information provided in the PDF, please submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request and someone will be in touch to assist you. You may also call 970-221-6515 (V/TDD: Dial 711 for Relay Colorado) for immediate assistance.

Download the full summary


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |

Manhattan Ave.#

map of Manhattan Ave. transportation improvements

Project Overview#

The City is improving roadway safety on Manhattan Ave. between Dennison Ave. and W. Troutman Pkwy. Here are details about the project:


Manhattan Ave. between W. Troutman Pkwy. and Dennison Ave.

Construction work period

June 20 - July 12, weather dependent

Construction impacts

During the project parking restrictions may be put into place near the work area. Residents near the work will receive door hangers with more information.

Work summary

To improve roadway safety, this project will re-stripe Manhattan Ave. in order to reduce traffic speeds by narrowing vehicular travel lanes, and improve bicyclist safety by widening and adding buffers to bike lanes. This work will happen in conjunction with street resurfacing taking place on Manhattan in spring and summer 2024.

This section of Manhattan Ave. currently has ~12 feet combined parking and bike lanes. Since standard parking lanes are 8 – 9 feet and the minimum standard bike lane width is 5 feet, there is not currently enough space to safely accommodate both on-street parking and a bike lane here. Bringing the parking and bike lanes on Manhattan Ave. up to the City’s current standards will require some removal of on-street parking. The City is removing on-street parking on the:

  • West side of Manhattan Ave. from Dennison Ave. to Albion Way
  • East side of Manhattan Ave. from Albion Way to just south of Mapleton Ct.

The City will also convert one on-street parking space on the west side of Manhattan Ave. to an ADA accessible parking space to improve the City’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 

Manhattan Ave. is a key corridor in the City’s low-stress bicycle network. It's part of the Centre Bikeway which provides access to Troutman Park, Lopez Elementary School, Front Range Community College, Colorado State University, and other key destinations. Restriping this section of Manhattan Ave. in conjunction with the resurfacing project will improve the comfort of this key bicycle route and improve safety for all road users.

Initially, a postcard was sent to the neighborhood indicating that parking would be removed on the east side of Manhattan Ave. from Dennison Ave. to just south of Mapleton Ct. After analyzing the corridor further, and based on preliminary resident feedback, the City has determined that removing parking on the west side of Manhattan Ave. from Dennison Ave. to Albion Way is a better option because there are not any homes fronting that section of Manhattan Ave. 

Neighborhood Meeting#

The City held a hybrid public meeting for community members to learn more about the project on Thursday, March 7 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in person at the Lopez Elementary School computer lab (637 Wabash St., room 7) and online via Zoom. The presentation slides are available here.

Watch the meeting recording


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |

Stover St.#

map depicting parking removal on west side of Stover St. from Cornell Ave. to Brown Ave.

Project Overview#

The City is improving roadway safety on Stover St. from E. Stuart St. to E. Swallow Rd. Here are details about the project:


Stover St. from E. Stuart St. to E. Swallow Rd.

Construction work period

June 19 - July 19, weather dependent

Construction impacts

During the project parking restrictions may be put into place near the work area. Residents near the work will receive door hangers with more information.

Project summary

In conjunction with roadway resurfacing, the City will improve the bike lanes on this section of Stover St. Currently the corridor has combined parking and bike lanes. The City will add an additional stripe to distinguish the on-street parking lane from the bike lane and add a buffer between the bike lanes and the vehicular travel lanes where possible.

On Stover St. from just north of Cornell Ave. to Brown Ave., the west side of the street is not wide enough to accommodate both a parking lane and bike lane. The City will remove on-street parking on the west side of Stover St. from just north of Cornell Ave. to Brown Ave. to provide space for bike facilities. This will result in a loss of approximately 19 parking spots.

The City conducted a parking study on Stover St. from April 9 - April 13, 2024. Cars parked on-street were counted in morning, afternoon, and evening periods on two weekdays and a weekend day. The number of cars parked were compared to the number of spaces available to determine the parking occupancy. The average parking occupancy of the area where parking is proposed to be removed was 7%. It is anticipated that remaining parking available should meet the demand based on the parking study.

Stover St. is a key corridor in the City’s low-stress bicycle network. It is part of the Stover Bikeway, which provides access to O’Dea Elementary School, PSD Global Academy, Lesher Middle School, Boltz Middle School, the Spring Creek Trail, Foothills Mall, and other key destinations. Improving the bicycle lanes along this section of Stover St. in conjunction with the resurfacing project will improve the comfort of this key bicycle route. As part of a separate project, the City is also filling a gap in the sidewalk network on the east side of Stover St. from Drake Rd. to Strachan Dr.


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |