Pitkin Bikeway#
For information about the advisory bike lane project on E. Pitkin St., visit fcgov.com/pitkin.
Infrastructure Changes#
- Intersection improvements to Taft Hill Road at Clearview Drive, Shields Street at Springfield Drive/Pitkin Street, College Avenue at Pitkin Street, and Lemay Avenue at Pitkin/Lory Street. Improvements will include:
- Signal upgrades
- Dedicated bicycle signals
- New striping and signing
- New bicycle lanes/alignments
- Sidewalk and ramp modifications
- Wayfinding signage improvements throughout the corridor at key locations
- Minor striping changes along the route outside of the intersections
- "Toucan" crossings (see below) at Taft Hill, Shields, and Lemay
- Restricts exiting vehicles on minor streets where the bikeway crosses at Taft Hill, Shields, and Lemay to right turn only (reducing potential conflicts with bicyclists and pedestrians)
What is a "Toucan" crossing?#

- Dedicated bicycle and pedestrian signals to facilitate safe crossing of major arterials
- Allows bicyclists to remain in their direction (without needing to cross over to access a pedestrian signal)
- Provides a center refuge island where bicyclists can wait to safely cross the arterial
- Center island includes "push buttons" for bicyclists to activate the bicycle and pedestrian signal
- Easy, clear direction for bicyclists and motor vehicles
- Restricts exiting vehicles on minor streets to right turn only (reducing potential conflicts with bicyclists and pedestrians)
The project is currently being contracted to Lightfield Enterprises. Construction is anticipated to begin on May 6, 2017 and continue through late June, 2017. It is expected that there will be minor street closures and delays during this time. Stay tuned to the project website for more updates as construction gets closer.

Project Schedule#
Project Stage | Date | Notes |
Conceptual Design and Public Involvement | Jan - Feb 2016 | |
Final Design/Engineering Plans | Feb - Sept 2016 | |
Advertise for Construction | March 2017 | |
Construction Phase 1 @ Pitkin/Lory/Lemay | May 6 thru May 30 | Pitkin Street and Lory Street will be closed at Lemay Ave. during this time. |
Construction Phase 2 @ Pitkin/Springfield/Shields Street | May 22 thru June 18 | Springfield Drive will be closed west of Shields Street from 6/5 thru 6/14. |
Construction Phase 3 @ Clearview/Taft Hill | June 12 thru June 28 | Both sides of Clearview Ave. will be closed at Taft Hill Road during this time. |
A majority of funding for this project comes from a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) federal grant. The local portion (20%) of funding will be provided through the Building on Basics (BOB) Bicycle Plan Implementation funds.
The breakdown of funding is:
Federal Funds |
$593,000 |
Local Matching Funds |
$308,250 |
Total Budgeted Funds |
$901,250 |
Related Documents#
Mark Laken | Project Manager | mlaken@fcgov.com | 970-222-3546
Cortney Geary| Active Modes Program Manager| 970-416-2471| cgeary@fcgov.com