The Coterie Natural Area#
Trail Status
A coterie is a family group of prairie dogs. A coterie typically consists of one adult male, several adult females, and their offspring- its a closely knit group, recognizing each other by an identifying kiss or sniff. Family groups cooperate to raise young, construct burrows, groom each other, play and defend the coterie territory.
The Natural Areas Department acquired The Coterie Natural Area in 2000 in order to protect the prairie dog colony. Bicyclists and pedestrians on the trail often stop to watch the antics of these active creatures.
0.1 miles of the paved (wheelchair accessible) Spring Creek Trail goes through The Coterie Natural Area.
5:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m.
Nearest parking is Edora Park on Riverside Street, trail access from Spring Creek Trail. The Coterie has no entrance fee.
Activities and Events#
- Find free educational activities and events year-round on the Events Calendar. Activities and events in June-October are also listed in the Natural Areas Explorer.
- Learn about special events and activities each month by subscribing to the Natural Areas e-newsletter.
- Check out the Natural Areas Learning Library for self-guided activities.
Related Information#
- Know before you go safety and recreation information.
- Plant List for The Coterie Natural Area. Volunteers were critical in making the list possible, thank you!
- Core Natural Areas Management Plan
- Special people have volunteered to take an active role in the stewardship of natural areas by doing monthly litter pick-ups. You can join the fun and adopt a natural area, too!
- Wildlife Management Guidelines