Udall Natural Area#
Trail Status
Udall Natural Area is co-owned and co-managed with Fort Collins Utilities for water quality, flood control and wildlife habitat. The water from downtown and nearby neighborhood storm drains flows into a series of ponds before entering the Poudre River. The settling ponds and wetlands filter the water but they aren't a water treatment plant. Please don't pour oil, chemicals or even soapy water from washing cars into storm drains- they drain into the river and impact the entire aquatic system from bugs to birds to animals.
Check out the a bench at the third pond, which is heavily vegetated with emergent wetland plants and is a good area to observe waterfowl and other waterbirds!

Damselfly: by Phil McCollum
0.5 miles of wide, flat trail encircle the three ponds.
5 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Udall Natural Area is on Lincoln Avenue, between Riverside Avenue and Buckingham Park. There is pedestrian and bike access only, no parking or parking lot is provided. The nearest parking is available at Buckingham Park, 101 First Street. Udall has no entrance fee.
Activities and Events#
- Find free educational activities and events year-round on the Events Calendar. Activities and events in June-October are also listed in the Natural Areas Explorer.
- Learn about special events and activities each month by subscribing to the Natural Areas e-newsletter.
- Check out the Natural Areas Learning Library for self-guided activities.
Related Information#
- Know before you go safety and recreation information.
- Udall Natural Area allows fishing. Learn More
- Poudre River Natural Areas Management Plan
- Bird Checklist- Courtesy of Fort Collins Audubon Society
- Udall Natural Area is an Important Bird Area, learn more here.