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Bike Summer#

Bike to Work (or Wherever) Day 2024#


Every June, Colorado celebrates Bike Month and here in Fort Collins, we love anything that highlights and promotes people who ride bicycles. In 2024, we're back on track with Bike to Work (or Wherever) Day, planned for Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

What is Bike to Work (or Wherever) Day? Some have described it as "Fort Collins' best holiday". Others love the celebration of people who ride bicycles. Some hosts want to contribute to our Platinum-designated bicycle culture and community. During BT(W)D, community members are encouraged to travel by bike wherever they're headed, be it work, errands, to drop kids to daycare, or just for fun. Participants who ditch the car in favor of a bicycle can find free breakfast located all around Fort Collins. Some participants try to hit as many stations as possible. Other are happy to fine a scenic spot to comingle with a few other folks. The point is to get on your bike wherever you're headed that morning!

Visit our Bike to Work (or Wherever) Day website for more information. 

Learn more

Shift Your Ride This Summer#

This summer, we want you to Shift Your Ride!

Why Shift Your Ride? By making simple choices about how we move around, we can save money and save time and shift extra time and money to activities that really matter to us, like spending time with our family, clean air and crisp mountain views, or getting and staying fit. Save money by fueling up a car less often. Save time by getting exercise while you commute instead of spending free time exercising. Shift to what matters most to you.

Shifting your ride can be easy! There are many ways to get around Fort Collins without using a car, even if you have extra errands to run. We've compiled several resources on this page to help you get out of your car and actually enjoy your transportation options. Check out our Shift Your Ride website for details.

Shift Your Ride


No upcoming classes, check back soon.

May-September: National Bike Challenge#

Bike Month is a great time to sign up for the National Bike Challenge. Join thousands of people across the nation as they log miles on their bicycles: it is a free and easy way to challenge yourself, colleagues and the greater community to ride more. Users compete on a local, state and national level.

Contact Us#

AnnMarie Kirkpatrick

Active Modes Specialist

If you are a business interested in being a part of Bike to Work (or Wherever) Day, please join our mailing list.