Fort Collins Again Receives 100 Score on Municipal Equality Index
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has, for the third consecutive year, awarded the City of Fort Collins a 100 score on the Municipal Equality Index (MEI). We are committed to serving our LGBTQ+ community, and we are honored to continue to be recognized as a city that strives to build a welcoming environment for all LGBTQ+ people who call Fort Collins home.
Review the City's 2023 MEI Scorecard.
Read the Fort Collins Success Story featured in HRC's 2021 Annual MEI Report.
LGBTQ+ Equity Subcommittee#
In May 2016, City staff formed an LGBTQ+ committee—which has since transitioned into the PRIDE Employee Resource Group (ERG)—composed of staff and community liaisons. The goal of this team was to ensure our LGBTQ+ community is safe, valued and affirmed within the City organization and community at large.
During the years the LGBTQ+ Subcommittee was active, the team
- established liaisons in Police Services, Human Resources and the City Manager's Office
- attended collaborative meetings with Poudre School District, Northern Colorado Equality and One Colorado to help support transgender students in the school district
- issued a proclamation for Pride Month and Transgender Acceptance Month annually
- updated the City's purchasing policy to ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity are covered in all relevant non-discrimination clauses
- implemented gender neutral bathroom signage for the City's single-stall facilities
- championed the need for trans-inclusive healthcare benefits, which the City adopted in 2021.
The subcommittee also worked closely with the Human Rights Campaign to elevate the City's Municipal Equality Index (MEI) score, which evaluates cities on how inclusive and welcoming they are for LGBTQ+ people. Primarily due to the LGBTQ+ Subcommittee's efforts, the City's MEI score has risen from 83 (2018) to 100 (2021, 2022, 2023)!

Pride Month Proclamation at City Hall

City Hall illuminated during Pride Month in 2020

Former Executive Sponsor, Teresa Roche, with LGBTQ+ Subcommittee members at 2018 Equity Celebration

2020 Pride Month Celebration: PRIDE Jeopardy

Contestants at 2020's PRIDE Jeopardy

LGBTQ+ members and community members at Pride Month Proclamation

LGBTQ+ Subcommittee co-chair, Heather Cox, and City staff at 2019 Pride Celebration

Teresa Roche speaks at 2019 City staff celebration