The City of Fort Collins uses an online tax collection and business licensing system
MUNIRevs allows businesses to file and pay taxes at any time on any day via an internet connected device. Businesses will also have on demand access to previously filed tax returns by accessing the system online.
The Sales Tax and Business Licensing team is dedicated to providing you with the best customer service experience possible.
We encourage you to first reach out to us by calling our office at 970-221-6780 or emailing us at
We are also available to meet in person. To schedule an appointment, please use the link below. We look forward to assisting you!
We prefer to receive tax returns electronically using our Online Filing system
Mailed payments, with a tax return, can be sent to:
- City of Fort Collins
- PO Box 440
- Fort Collins, CO 80522
You MUST include a return with your payment
Sales Tax Rates
8.05% = Total Sales Tax Rate
- 4.35% = City of Fort Collins
- 0.80% = Larimer County
- 2.90% = State of Colorado
- 3.00% = City Lodging Tax (in addition to above)
- 2.25% = Fort Collins Tax on Food for Home Consumption (read here for more)
Starting a New Business?
Recent Sales Tax Updates
Recent sales tax updates are shown below with the corresponding effective date.
2024 Sales Tax 101 Classes
All sales tax classes are held in the Colorado River Room at 222 Laporte Ave. The tax class is approximately 45 minutes long.
- 3/6/24 Founded in Foco Special Event
- 5/8/24
- 7/24/24
- 10/2/24
Remote Seller Information
Are you a remote seller or online marketplace facilitator? Please be aware that the City adopted economic nexus and marketplace facilitator ordinances related to both sales tax and lodging tax. Read below for more info:
Sales Tax Compliance Guides and FAQs
Wondering if your business should have a Sales & Use Tax License or need information on taxability?
Looking for industry specific tax compliance guides and other tax publications?
Sales Tax Vision and Mission Statement
Creating a vibrant community by providing support to help businesses thrive.
Enhance the quality of life in the City by effectively collecting City tax and fees while providing exceptional customer service.