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Image of a sustainable Fort Collins with efficient buildings, people riding bikes, and the foothills behind

Our Climate Future (OCF) embodies a systems-approach for solutions which address climate, energy and waste goals while positively impacting the daily lives of residents, business operations and supporting community-defined sustainability priorities.

Reaching for the OCF Big Moves increases community capacity to:

  • Draw down greenhouse gas emissions, waste and energy use
    • while increasing renewable electricity, carbon sequestration and
      waste prevention;
  • Co-create and share community leadership to develop partnerships for implementation;
  • Adapt to a changing climate to improve community resilience;
  • Plan for investment in a portfolio of strategies which provide net benefits;
  • Ensure all parts of the community are included and see themselves in the solutions proposed; and
  • Track the goals to measure success and progress toward achieving sustainability and resilience.
Text describing the OCF Big Moves