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Welcome to Our Climate Future!#

The City's climate initiatives center around Our Climate Future (OCF). OCF is a plan to guide Fort Collins, Colorado toward a more sustainable future while focusing on the needs of its people. It highlights the importance of putting people first when dealing with climate change.

Our Climate Future focuses on achieving three main goals by 2030:

  • Cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% compared to 2005 levels.
  • 100% renewable electricity from both the grid and local sources.
  • Reach zero waste, meaning nothing goes to landfills.

Join us!#

Learn more below about ways to get involved at home, at work, through community partnership, and by learning.

At Home

Conserve water and energy, improve your air quality, and learn more about recycling.

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At Work

Get free coaching and technical assistance, learn more about green building and construction code.

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Community Partnership

Join a committee, apply for a grant, or partner with us in another way.

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Learn more about OCF and sustainability initiatives happening right now.

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