April 4, 2017
Regular Municipal Election

All voters will be electing a new mayor, and voters in Districts 1, 3, and 5 will be electing representatives at the next regular election held on April 4, 2017. In addition to electing representatives, voters are usually presented with ballot issues, such as Charter amendments, financial issues, or initiated or referred ordinances or resolutions.
Official Candidates
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At the April 4 election, voters will be electing candidates for the following seats:
- Kwon Atlas
- Elizabeth Wilson Hudetz
- Michael Pruznick
- Wade Troxell
Councilmember District 1
- Nate Budd
- Bob Overbeck
Councilmember District 3
- Gordon Coombes
- Ken Summers
Councilmember District 5
- Ross Cunniff
- Duane Hansen
Independent Expenditures
Ballot Issues
City-Initiated Proposed Charter Amendment No. 1
Shall Section 7 of Article VIII of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins, pertaining to certification of City elections, be amended to change the time for certification of an election from the third day to no later than the tenth day after the election, and shall Section 1(d) and Section 4 of Article II of the Charter, pertaining to City Council, be amended to require that the organizational meeting and election of the mayor pro tem, respectively, take place at the next meeting after certification of the election, rather than the next meeting after the election?
_____ Yes/For
_____ No/Against
City-Initiated Proposed Charter Amendment No. 2
Shall Section 11 of Article II of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins, pertaining to City Council meetings, be amended to allow the City Manager, with agreement of the Mayor, to cancel a City Council meeting in the event of an emergency, natural disaster, or unforeseen circumstance that renders the holding of a meeting undesirable or impracticable?
_____ Yes/For
_____ No/Against
City-Initiated Proposed Charter Amendment No. 3
Shall Section 9(b)(1) of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins, pertaining to conflicts of interest and prohibited sales to the City, be amended to clarify that officers or employees, and their relatives, are prohibited from having a financial interest in a sale to the city if such officer or employee exercises decision-making authority on behalf of the city, or exercises supervisory authority, in his or her role as a city officer or employee, over the services provided?
_____ Yes/For
_____ No/Against
City-Initiated Proposed Charter Amendment No. 4
Shall Section 1 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins, pertaining to Municipal Court, be amended to allow the City Council to appoint multiple judges of Municipal Court, to designate a Chief Judge, and to specify the duties for the Chief Judge by ordinance, and further to appoint temporary judges as Council determines necessary?
_____ Yes/For
_____ No/Against
Registered Committees
Issue Committees
Political Committees