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Now accepting applications!#

Volunteers are a fundamental and vital element of our Healthy Homes program.  

Healthy Homes Educators make a difference in the health, safety, and environmental impact of Fort Collins homes by conducting indoor air quality assessments and education. They participate in an initial, in-depth training and have the opportunity to partake in continuing education events. Time Commitment: After the initial training, we ask all Educators to participate in an average of at least 1-2 assessments per month.

Volunteers can also serve as Neighborhood Connectors, who ensure the Healthy Homes program gets to those who would benefit the most from its offerings. These volunteers visit neighborhoods and assist residents in understanding and signing up for the program.

Apply to Volunteer!

¡Ahora aceptando aplicaciones!#

Los voluntarios son fundamentales y un elemento vital de nuestro programa Healthy Homes.

Los educadores de Healthy Homes hacen una diferencia en la salud, seguridad y el impacto ambiental de los hogares de Fort Collins llevando a cabo evaluaciones de calidad de aire interior y proveyendo educación.. Ellos participan en un entrenamiento inicial profundo y tienen la oportunidad de tomar parte en eventos de educación continua. Compromiso de Tiempo: Después del entrenamiento inicial, pedimos que nuestros educadores participen en al menos un promedio de 1-2 evaluaciones por mes. 

Los voluntarios también pueden servir como Conectores Comunitarios, los cuales se aseguran de que el programa de Healthy Homes llegue a los que se benefician más de sus servicios. Estos voluntarios visitan vecindarios y ayudan a los residentes con dudas y aplicando para el programa. 

¡Aplica para ser voluntario!

Help Fort Collins homes reduce the risks posed by common hazards, increase energy efficiency, and become more comfortable.  We provide annual training on ventilation, chemical contaminants, fire safety, home maintenance and energy efficiency. Meals are provided during the training!

2024 Training Dates (New Dates!)

  • Oct. 13th, noon-4pm
  • Oct. 27th, noon-4pm

Ayuda a los hogares de Fort Collins a reducir riesgos producidos por peligros comunes, incrementar la eficiencia de energía y volverse más cómodos. Proveemos entrenamiento anual sobre ventilación, contaminantes químicos, seguridad en incendios, mantenimiento del hogar y eficiencia energética. ¡Los alimentos son proveídos durante el entrenamiento!  

Fechas de Entrenamiento 2024

  • 13 de Octubre, 12-4pm

  • 27 de Octubre, 12-4pm

Frequently Asked Questions#

You don't have to be a professional in the field- we will teach you what you need to know! We ask that you are willing and able to make the commitment to complete both the training and required monthly home assessments.

You must be at least 18 years old.  Our Healthy Homes Educators vary greatly in age and occupations.  We are invested in having a diverse group participating in the program.

Yes.  In order to protect you and the individuals whose homes you will be visiting, a background check will be conducted prior to you receiving a home assessment assignment.

The training is led by specialists who come from a variety of backgrounds.  You will learn all about problems related to pollutants, chemical contaminants and safety hazards in homes, and how they impact health, and common solutions to those problems. 

Meals are provided. Assistance with childcare and transportation to the training are also provided as needed.

There will be multiple training sessions and homework in the form of short videos and readings.  We ask that you commit to attending all of the sessions.  We realize that conflicts occur, and we will make efforts to accommodate your schedule on a limited basis.

No.  Even though the training is comprehensive, we are unable to issue credit for classes.

In addition to performing in-home assessments, we often attend community events to educate the public and promote our program. Neighborhood Connectors also go door-to-door to conduct community outreach.

We ask that you keep us informed of your availability and we will schedule accordingly.