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Issue Committees#

The following Issue Committee registered with the City Clerk's Office.

Committee Name Purpose or Nature of Interest of Committee Date Registered
Protecting Our Housing Future
Registered:  02/25/16
Status:  Terminated 03/17/17
(see explanation below)
To address issues related to housing and affordability in the Fort Collins area. 826 West Drake Road #1
Fort Collins, CO 80526

"Please note that the committee . . . was created in 2016 around a survey that we did with regard to the potential Me +3 ballot issue. As that messure is not on the ballot the committee is no longer a functioning committee. The committee never collected or spent any funds. FCBR and myself want to ensure that we are in full compliance so please send me any additional information that is necessary for us to fulfill our commitment to being a good community participant.


Clint Skutchan
Fort Collins Board of Realtors CEO"