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Foco Delights


We are a group of artists from Art 235: Intermediate Drawing. This class, taught by Amy Misurelli Sorensen at Colorado State University, explores delving deeper into the concepts of art and connecting to an audience. In 2016, we hit the 500th year anniversary of the death of Hieronymus Bosch. In honor of this anniversary, exhibitions are being held in Bosch’s namesake town, s’Hertogenbosch, Holland, and at Harvard in the United States. For our mural design, we chose to acknowledge this groundbreaking artist’s anniversary and exhibitions by incorporating elements of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights. The triptych itself appears surreal, bursting with figures, strange behavior, and symbols. To make this complex symbolic narrative easier to access, each panel is divided into three distinct horizons and may be read from left to right. When organizing space in our mural, we mimicked this aesthetic choice by creating three distinct horizons and a composition that can be read from left to right.
