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Eagles, Owls & Hawks - Oh My!

Larry Tucci

This mural design features birds of prey. The piano upper front shows a group of owls of various kinds, all in moonlight against a rich blue night sky. The lower front shows a Turkey Vulture with wings spread, glowing with backlighting against a deep blue daytime sky. The keyboard area would be painted in feathered patterns, and
the piano legs would be painted in yellows and golds depicting the scaled legs of raptors.

The piano top design shows the four distinct raptor groups - eagles, buteos, accipiters and falcons - silhouetted against a brightly colored, textured sky. The piano back face features matching, intimate portraits of our two eagles, the Golden
 and the Bald. The sides of the piano feature a Northern Harrier on the left and an American Kestrel on the right, open-winged to take full advantage of the long side panels.
