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  • Energy Star
    • Provides resources for making your home or business more energy efficient.
    • Local Governments for Sustainability, or ICLEI, is based out of Denver and supports program in emissions management, climate preparedness, climate finance, climate equity, and local, regional, and international collaboration. 
  • Rocky Mountain Climate Organization
    • Advocates for climate action in the Inter-Mountain West and especially Colorado. They advocate particularly for the National Parks and their responses to climate change.
  • 100 Resilient Cities
    • Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation, 100RC is dedicated to helping cities around the world become more resilient to the physical, social and economic challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century.
  • Colorado's Water Plan
    • Colorado's Water Plan integrated the work accomplished by Colorado’s nine Basin Roundtables, the Interbasin Compact Committee, the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), and partners and stakeholders statewide to determine how to implement water supply planning solutions that meet Colorado’s future water needs while supporting healthy watersheds and the environment; robust recreation and tourism economies; vibrant and sustainable cities; and viable and productive agriculture.
  • HB18-1297: Climate Change Preparedness And Resiliency
    • Overview of a Colorado bill concerning a comprehensive plan to proactively address the anticipated impacts on Colorado of global climate change.
  • 4 Ways the Climate Crisis is Affecting Colorado
    • A blog from the Climate Reality Project addressing the effects of climate change as experienced in Colorado.
  • Preparing for Climate Change in Colorado
    • This page provides an overview of the steps Colorado is taking to prepare for the impacts of climate change, including links to reports, state laws, local and regional plans, and other resources.
  • Colorado Climate Plan 2018
    • The updated version of Colorado's first Climate Plan from 2007. The plan focuses on eight main sectors including water, public health, greenhouse gas emissions, energy, transportation, agriculture, tourism and recreation, and ecosystems. Updated climate mitigation and adaptation strategies and policy recommendations are given for each of the sectors.