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The Next Generation of Leaders, a youth volunteer group posing in front of a fire truck

What is NextGenServe?

NextGenServe is a City volunteer service club for teens ages 13–18, designed to build leadership skills and foster community service in Fort Collins. Participants explore diverse career paths while working alongside trained staff in areas like Parks, Natural Areas, the Gardens on Spring Creek, and local nonprofits.

Check out the 2022 program in this short video.

How to Get Involved:

Applications for the 2025 program open Feb. 1!

Apply here

*Assistance upon request

Join us for our virtual parent information night on Feb. 18th, 2025, 5:30-6:30 p.m. If you cannot make it to this, it will be recorded and uploaded.

Please register here.

Who to Contact:

If you need support or have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Lux at

NextGenSere Parent Info Night#

Check out the video below if you were unable to attend the Parent Info Night!

NextGenServe is a youth volunteer program designed for teens ages 13-18 who are passionate about exploring municipal careers through volunteer service.

By the end of the summer, teens will:

  • Volunteer alongside trained staff at over 15 different project areas
  • Earn up to 60 community service hours
  • Grow in job and leadership skills
  • Create lasting connections with peers who are passionate about serving the community

Our program runs from June through August and is a commitment. However, we understand that summer is a time for vacations. In order to create a strong Crew, we ask that teens commit to at least 80% of the project days.

We will meet outside of City Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday of the summer. 

Note: On a few special occasions, the day will be extended outside of the normal project hours.

Some of the benefits of this program include:

  • Resume building experiences
  • Develop job skills like communication, accountability, and teamwork
  • Earn up to 60 hours of volunteer service
  • Explore municipal careers
  • Behind the scene tours of departments
  • Connect with skilled staff
  • NextGenServe swag
  • Lasting friendships
  • Great memories

Kick-off & In-Person Parent Info Night: Jan. 21

Application Opening Day: Feb. 1

Virtual Parent Info Night: Feb. 3

Application Deadline: Feb. 28

Applicant Interviews: Mar. 17- 28

Selection Date: Apr. 10

Orientation: Jun. 7

Program Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to noon, Jun. 10- Aug. 7

To make NextGenServe sustainable, a $200 fee per child for the entirety of the summer will be needed to help cover transportation, food, supplies, and personal protective equipment. Scholarships are available to ensure accessibility. Please check back in for more about scholarships in the future. 

Summer 2025 Anticipated Schedule#

Jun. 7: Orientation

Jun. 10: First Day - get to know you games and team bonding

Jun. 12: Colorado Youth Outdoors - shape trees, plant pumpkins, and explore their outdoor space

Jun. 17: Twin Silo Park - plant in the hydro wall and restore native habitat

Jun. 19: A Little Help - help with household projects like raking, weeding, window washing, and more

Jun. 24: OtterCares - explore the OtterBox facility and learn from guest speakers

Jun. 26: Poudre Fire Authority - learn what it takes to be a firefighter, wash fire trucks, slide down the fire pole, and help clean the station

Jul. 1: TAC212 - explore the Teen Activity Center and help maintain the cleanliness of their facility

Jul. 3: Loveland Youth Gardeners (extended day) - sort seeds, hold chickens, and create pollinator houses

Jul. 8: Macroinvertebrates with Utilities - learn about Macroinvertebrates in the Poudre River

Jul. 10: Macroevertabrates with Utilities Day 2 - teach an audience about what we learned during day 1

Jul. 15: FC Moves - become bike ambassadors, offer trailside assistance to folks on the Poudre trail, and learn about transportation across the City

Jul. 17: Toadflax Pull at Soapstone (extended day) - pull invasive species like Toadflax and Mullen at our beautiful natural area, Soapstone

Jul. 22: Adaptive Recreation Opportunities - connect with a youth camp to run inclusive activities for all to enjoy

Jul. 24: City Park Pool Lifeguarding - learn what it takes to be a lifeguard and spend time swimming

Jul. 29: Streets - tour the Streets facility where they make road signs, house heavy equipment, and make sandbags for roadblocks

Jul. 31: Teen Summit - connect with Project Hort and explore the Gardens on Spring Creek and butterfly house

Aug. 5: Restorative Justice Circle - paint rocks for our Restorative Justice volunteers and end-of-summer team reflection circle

Aug. 7: End of Summer Party - teen end-of-summer presentations and fun!

NextGen 2024 Highlights#

NextGenServe Logo

NextGenServe teens trying on fire fighting suits!

Teens smiling while feeding chickens.

Friends enjoying the view at Soapstone!

NextGenServe visits the Streets department.

Teens and Utilities staff testing water quality in the Poudre River.

Teens practicing how to be lifeguards at City Park Pool!

A teen looking at the macroinvertebrates at the Poudre River.

Teens on the bus to The Gardens on Spring Creek.

Teens with their hands in the air while playing a game!