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Press Releases

Radon Busters event to raise awareness about radon gas

Released on Friday, September 20, 2024

Contact Information

  • Emily Olivo, lead environmental sustainability specialist, 970-510-6638,

Fort Collins officials invite the community to learn about the dangers of radon gas and join City staff for presentations, kids’ activities and free food at this year’s Radon Busters event.

The radon awareness event goes from 1:30-4:30 p.m., Oct. 6 at Old Town Library, 201 Peterson St.

A silent threat that cannot be seen, smelled or tasted, radon gas poses significant health risks—as the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the U.S. Annually, radon claims the lives of about 21,000 U.S. residents. Despite its dangers, many people remain unaware of radon exposure and its impact on indoor air quality.

Exposure to radon is preventable and testing radon levels in homes can help identify and mitigate the health risk. If high radon levels are detected, residents can take measures to protect themselves and their family.

This free Radon Busters awareness event offers informative sessions and activities aimed at educating the public about radon detection and mitigation strategies. Learn more about the event and radon at

City of Fort Collins’ Air Quality Plan

The City has a long-standing goal to continually improve air quality, which includes identifying and implementing opportunities to reduce sources of air pollutants. The Environmental Services Department works on policies and programs that support the protection of the community and the environment through improvement in outdoor and indoor air quality. Learn more about the City of Fort Collins’ air quality work at