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2017 Water, Sewer, Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements#

In 2017, Utilities construction and maintenance crews will continue to replace aging infrastructure and construct improvements. This annual pipe replacement program is coordinated with the Streets maintenance schedule for efficiency, cost effectiveness and reduced traffic and neighborhood impacts.

January to December:

  • Nine waterline projects totaling 9,300 feet of 6 and 8-inch diameter pipe.
  • Six stormwater pipe projects totaling 3,000 feet and three channel and detention projects.

February to December:

  • Nine wastewater sewer pipe project totaling 6,200 feet of 6-inch diameter pipe.

View project map for more information.

Click to enlarge

Did You Know?

It only takes 12 inches of flowing water to carry off small vehicles. Don’t drive through flood water.

Setting your refrigerator to recommended 38-40 degrees Fahrenheit and freezer to 0 degrees Fahrenheit helps save energy.

Turning off printers, copiers, coffee machines and other equipment at end of day saves energy.