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Fort Collins Utilities Seeking Your Feedback on Water Efficiency Plan Update

Posted on: Nov-02-2015

Fort Collins Utilities is seeking feedback on an updated Water Efficiency Plan that describes water use goals and the approach outlined to meet them.

"Fort Collins Utilities has a strong commitment to ensure the efficient and responsible use of our natural resources," said Liesel Hans, Utilities' water conservation manager. "Our Water Conservation Program is nearly 40 years in the making and has resulted in lower per capita water use, even as population has grown significantly."

The updated plan proposes a new water use goal of 130 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) by 2030. This plan updates the Water Conservation Plan approved by the Colorado Water Conservation Board in 2010 that set a goal of 140 gpcd by 2020. The gpcd in 2014 was 143, a 28 percent decrease from the 2001 level of 198 gpcd. (All numbers normalized to account for weather.)

The updated plan was developed with input from City of Fort Collins' boards and commissions, community organizations and a technical advisory group of Utilities and City staff and Water Board members. The State mandates that an updated plan is submitted at least every seven years.

Fort Collins Utilities customers are encouraged to review the draft plan and complete a brief online feedback form to provide their comments and priorities for the future of water efficiency in Fort Collins. The draft plan and feedback form are available online at The public comment period will be open from Nov. 2, 2015, through Jan. 15, 2016. The State process requires a 60-day public comment period, which is being extended in consideration of the winter holidays.

Utilities staff will review comments from the online form along with feedback gathered from boards and commissions and other community engagement activities, to make any necessary revisions to the plan before submitting it to City Council for approval in March 2016. The plan will be submitted to the Colorado Water Conservation Board in 2017.

For more information about the Water Efficiency Plan, visit , email, call 970-221-6877 or TDD 970-224-6003.

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