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Mid-Size Commercial#

E250* Series#

This rate applies to commercial accounts with monthly average electric demand between 25 and 49 kilowatts (kW). These rates include:

  • Electric energy - Total amount of electricity used in a month (measured in kilowatt-hours, kWh), plus a fixed charge for metering and billing
  • Electric demand - The highest 15-minute demand (kW) during the billing period

During the summer months (June, July, August and September), higher rates for energy (kWh) will be charged to cover the costs of purchasing power from Platte River Power Authority, the City's wholesale electricity provider.

E-250 Monthly Electric Rates
includes PILOT - payment in lieu of taxes 
Electric Energy
Fixed Charge, per account
E250, E251: Single-phase, 200-amp service
E252: Single-phase, above 200-amp service
E253: Three-phase, 200-amp service
E254: Three-phase, above 200-amp service
Energy Charges per kWh:
Summer (Jun-Sept)
7.37¢ per kWh
Non-Summer (Oct-May)
7.37¢ per kWh
Demand Charges per kWh:
Summer (Jun-Sept)
$11.24 per kW
Non-Summer (Oct-May)
$6.36 per kW
Actual rates charged may vary slightly due to rounding.

E251-E254 is the rate code printed on the monthly bill.  Rate codes may also begin with the letter A or B for service in annexed areas where additional Rural Electric Association (REA) service rights fees apply.  Fees equal to 5% are added to A rates and 25% service rights fees are added to B rates.

Prices effective January 2022.

Check out our printable rates sheet for more information.

Service charges may apply.

For detailed information, see the Fort Collins City Code Chapter 26, starting with section 26-462.

Net Metering Information
Rates and credits for Mid-Size Commercial solar customers.

Fort Collins Utilities offers programs, incentives and tips to help businesses conserve.

Did You Know?

Ensuring programmable thermostats are programmed correctly can save energy and costs

Installing cooking vent hood controls with VFD fans and sensors (rebates available) at your business can help save energy and money.

Cleaning your dryer filter regularly prevents lint build ups that can reduce airflow resulting in clothes not drying completely.