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Flooding Condition Update 9/13, 12:05 p.m.

Posted on: Sep-13-2013

The most recent information regarding the flooding status of the city follows:

• The Larimer County Humane Society is running out of resources and room. Please take evacuated animals to friends, family, veterinarians or boarding shelters.

• Transfort has CANCELED routes 8, 14, 81 and is operating the routes 5, 17, 18 and Flex is on detour until further notice.

• U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has confirmed Horsetooth dams are intact and safe. Horsetooth Reservoir is about 60% full and not in danger of failing.

• All drinking water is pulled from Horsetooth Reservoir. The city has not used Poudre River since Sept. 6.

• Do not play in or drink untreated flood water.

• The Poudre River stream flow is continuing to fall below 9,000 cfs.

• Area traffic congestion is easing. US Highway 287 is closed from Fort Collins to the WY border.

Fort Collins Utilities will continue to update flooding information at

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