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Smoke Testing for Sanitary Sewerline Leaks Begins March 18

Posted on: Mar-13-2013

Beginning Monday, March 18, Fort Collins Utilities will be testing the sewer system for leaks in select neighborhoods throughout Fort Collins. The process uses smoke to detect where rainwater leaks into the sanitary sewer pipes and will take three to four days per location.

During the testing, crews will blow smoke into the sewer pipes for 3-6 minutes and observe where it surfaces. The smoke, which is odorless, non-toxic, non-staining and dissipates in minutes, indicates leaks, which will be noted and repaired. It is possible that smoke may enter a home or business during the process, which serves as an indicator that sewer gases may be entering as well. If you detect smoke in your home or business, open windows to air out the space and contact a plumber to address the problem.

The tests are a result of a 3-year study in areas where leaks have been indicated. Leaks allow excess rainwater to enter the sewer pipes and affect operations at the wastewater treatment plants. Reducing the number of leaks and volume of excess water entering the system will help maintain the high standards of treatment at the plants.

For more information, call (970) 222-0576 or (970) 222-3026, visit, email or TDD (970) 224-6003.

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