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Wildlife Enhancement Community Projects

Research demonstrates that urban development and land use changes negatively affect the abundance and/or diversity of many wildlife species. To mitigate the harmful effects of urbanization, NIC wildlife enhancement projects work to increase connectivity between natural spaces and protect species biodiversity. These projects help create high-quality habitat that provides wildlife with resources that are vital to their survival such as food and shelter. The projects also help reconnect fragmented spaces by adding privately stewarded lands to the existing network of public natural areas, parks, and stormwater properties across Fort Collins.

Click on a project below to learn more about each one works to enhance wildlife habitat.

Skyview Nature Area

Tucked away behind the Skyview North neighborhood laid a concealed nature park overgrown with Russian olive trees, smooth brome, and cattails. With dedication and passion for the environment from the HOA president and Skyview residents, the neighborhood was awarded a Nature in the City grant to turn their hidden space into an area accessible to all 116 homes and the wildlife that frequently use the land as a corridor from Hazaleus Natural Area and Redtail Grove Natural Area. In the early summer of 2017, residents removed over 15 large invasive Russian olive trees near a small creek that runs through the nature park. During the fall, residents planted native species such as coyote willow and narrow leaf cottonwood to restore the area into a high-quality habitat for pollinator and wildlife species. New signage will also be posted at the entrance to welcome residents to the area of the park, ultimately improving access to nature.


426 Milky Way Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525

What are the benefits of the project?

As an important corridor and hotspot for wildlife, the removal of invasive Russian olive trees and the restoration of native vegetation help provide high-quality habitat for wildlife. Also, by improving signage at the entrance of the park, the project will improve neighborhood access to nature, allowing residents to be within the Nature in the City’s 10-minute walk to nature goal.

Who is involved?

Skyview North HOA, City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department

Contact us

For additional questions, please contact:

Justin Scharton, Senior Environmental Planner
City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department