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Midtown Commercial Corridor Study

The Midtown Commercial Corridor Study is complete. Here are some of the findings:

  • College Avenue, from Prospect Road to Harmony Road
    • One of the obvious findings is that the area is ripe for redevelopment and rejuvenation.
    • The corridor has retail staying power.
    • Proximity to CSU, Old Town, Mason Corridor and Harmony Road are huge benefits of the corridor; people can reach work, shopping and leisure activities easily.
  • Foothills Mall
    • Major renovations at the Foothills Mall location will require significant financial investment.
    • A public/private partnership between the City, General Growth Properties, Macy's and Sears is in order.
    • The mall location continues to be the perfect location for department stores with its plentiful parking, expansive space and "address" within the community.

Major Action Items and Recommendations

Mall redevelopment. Work collaboratively to determine the best scenario for the community's retail needs and available public and private financing. Formalize an agreement between the Mall owners, General Growth Properties and City.

Prepare an existing conditions report for the Study area.

Evaluate existing zoning and building codes. Remove obstacles for phased improvements, including the reuse or remodel of existing buildings.

Mixed-Use corridor redevelopment. Living, working and playing is the theme. Many opportunities exist for new residential, commercial and retail businesses, and access to parks, trails, and recreation facilities.

Green up the corridor. Create public spaces connecting retail, commercial, residential, transportation and recreational activities. Parks, green belts, bike and pedestrian trails can be extended through most districts within the commercial corridor.

Pedestrian and vehicle friendly corridor. Public improvements such as pedestrian crossings, road realignments, street lighting and landscaped medians, streetscape and public spaces will improve the corridor and attract residents and businesses.

The redevelopment process will be incremental and occur over an extended period of time. City staff will first work to update City codes, public infrastructure, and pedestrian and bicycle access to generate developer interest in properties along the corridor.

Read the report » (PDF)