

Ensure that transit is a safe, affordable, efficient and convenient travel option for people of all ages and abilities.

T 5.1 - Transit System

As funding becomes available, expand the City’s public transit system in phases to provide integrated, high-frequency, productivity-based transit service along major transportation corridors. This will be accomplished with a combination of feeder transit lines, on-demand transit and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) technology to connect major destinations.

T 5.2 - BRT and High-Frequency Transit Service

Implement BRT and high-frequency transit service as shown in this document along major transportation corridors as land use densifies and mobility demands increase, providing links between major activity centers and transit-oriented development.

T 5.3 - Integrate and Expand Transit Service Types

As funding becomes available, integrate fixed-route transit service with mobility innovation zones to serve lower-density areas of the city with nontraditional transit service. Focusing on expanding mobility in a cost-effective way, the City will use existing and new technologies, including micro-transit, partnerships with TNCs, MaaS technologies and other innovations.

T 5.4 - Reliable Transit Service

As funding becomes available, provide fast and reliable transit service throughout the transit system, but with an additional emphasis on high-frequency routes through the use of various design and operating strategies, including bulb-outs, signal priority, bus-only lanes, access to mobility hubs and streamlining of route patterns to minimize deviations and appropriately spaced bus stops.

T 5.5 - Transit Stops

Modernize and expand transit infrastructure with customer mobility, comfort and security first in mind. This includes improvements to bus stops/shelters; expanded and upgraded transit centers with elements such as adequate lighting, ADA accessibility and protection from the elements; and on- and off-board security and cameras. Maintain transit infrastructure per the Transfort Bus Stop Design Guidelines and update the document as needed.

T 5.6 - Regional Transit Leadership

Continue to be a leader for transit services in the region by efficiently operating transit services in smaller communities, leading the development of new regional transit connections and looking for opportunities to provide expanded and cost-effective regional mobility in the North Front Range.

T 5.7 - Transit Technology

Pursue technology such as pedestrian blind-spot detection, autonomous and connected vehicles, electric and low emission-buses and on-demand vehicles.

T 5.8 - Connect Transit to Other Modes

Connect public transit to other modes of travel through strategically located mobility hubs, to be located near activity centers, where one or more transit routes and bicycle facilities intersect. These hubs will provide shared multimodal facilities and may include elements such as bicycle parking, bike-share and car-share, multimodal information, park-and-rides, and curbspace for shuttles and drop-off vehicles.

T 5.9 - Transfort Service Standards

Provide transit service in accordance with the Transfort Service Standards.

T 5.10 - Paratransit

Provide paratransit in accordance with Federal requirements. Look for opportunities to improve customer service, ensure cost-effective coverage and improve outreach and education for paratransit customers who would receive better mobility services on the fixed route network.

T 5.11 - Transit Maintenance Facility

To support the additional transit service identified in this plan, consider expanding the Transit Maintenance Facility to store and maintain a larger fleet of buses and support vehicles.