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Halligan Constructed

In 1909, Halligan Reservoir was constructed on the North Fork of the Poudre River. For more than 100 years, this historic dam has provided around 6,400 acre-feet of water storage to the shareholders of North Poudre Irrigation Company (NPIC).

Feasibility Studies

Fort Collins Utilities and NPIC completed a study to enlarge Halligan Reservoir to increase water supply reliability, especially during drought years. 

Utilities Obtained Exclusive Option to Purchase Halligan Reservoir Property from NPIC
Feasibility Study Updated

Utilities updated the 1989 feasibility study to address current environmental issues and project costs. The 2002 feasibility study outlined four dam types at three alternative locations, each storing volumes of 15,000, 25,000 and 40,000 acre-feet.

Water Supply and Demand Management Policy

The Water Supply and Demand Management Policy was approved, which confirmed a need for storage.

Utilities Acquired Halligan Reservoir Property from NPIC

NPIC retains existing storage capacity.

Utilities Gathered Project Partners

This includes surrounding water districts and NPIC.

Halligan and Seaman Decide to Permit Jointly

Utilities began federal permitting process with project partners and agreed to jointly permit Halligan and Milton Seaman reservoir expansions with Greeley

Partners withdraw from the Halligan Water Supply Project

All of our project partners, including water districts, withdrew from the process, due to the lengthy permitting process and the rising costs associated with permitting-related delays.

Water Supply and Demand Management Policy Updated
NPIC withdrew from the Halligan Water Supply Project
Permitting Process for Halligan and Milton Seaman Reservoirs Separated
Draft EIS Released from the Corps
Final EIS Released from the Corps

Images from Records of the North Poudre Irrigation Company, Water Resources Archive, Colorado State University Libraries. For details, click here.