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secondhand smoke reduction projectVirtual Town Hall
I cannot believe some of the comments that I have read. How many times does it have to be proven that second hand smoke kills. And it is not just the stuff you can smell. It only takes one person to cause a lot of health problems. As I have read the comments it is evident that a lot of them are made by kids and then the others must be completely stupid. There is a number of non-smoking restaurants in Fort Collins but there is not a lot of choice. It seems to me that people should be able to go without smoking until they have eaten. If the City Council doesn't want to pass it then we need new Council members that have the guts to do it. Or else, put it on the ballot so the adults can vote on it. A lot more people would go out to eat it they didn't have to breath second hand smoke. Wake up people. We should all have the right to breath clean air. Smoking is not a right, it is a choice. And I chose clean air.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I would love to be able to go out for an evening of social drinking and/or listening to music without being assaulted by other people's smoke. But I don't because in addition to the negative health effects, the rank smell of smoke in my hair and clothes keeps me away. Fort Collins would have a much livelier night life if smoking were banned in public places. As it is now, only the young (and still "invincible") early 20-somethings brave the stink of it, because they have no choice if they want to meet people in a social setting. But most of them don't smoke either, so we'd all be better off (including bar and restaurant owners) if smoking were banned in public places. Let those unfortunate soles who are addicted to cigarettes (like I used to be) pollute their own homes and yards if they must. But keep the air (indoors and out) healthy and smoke-free for the rest of us!

submitted on: 05-28-02

Clean up the outside air first. Fix the traffic problem. Why not ban alchocol? The government has too many hooks in my life already. Find a life. Rely on accurate statistics, not being fed by the govt.

submitted on: 05-28-02

Cooperation of the facility's management and enforcement is key to the success of any ordinance. Given the difficulty of monitoring all the public places, consideration should be given to a manned 800 number to which violations could be reported. The objective would be dispatch of enforcement personnel to specific locations on a real time basis. This would be in addition to routine spot checks (non-uniformed, obviously).

submitted on: 05-28-02

Isn't this discriminating against all the smokers out there? Most smokers I know are courteous enough to try and not smoke in non-smokers houses, in close confined areas where non-smokers are present, and even try to pick an area that's "unoffensive" when outdoors. Is the intent of this legislation to "quarantine" smokers and to keep them from going out in public? Isn't that a little unAmerican? At least allow some kind of smoking area that's not offensive to non-smokers to allow smokers a little dignity.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I am an athlete and would like to be able to work at a restaurant where second-hand smoke isn't harmful to my health and conditioning. I think this is a very important issue and I'm glad it is finally being addressed. Thanks.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I would not like to see the smoking ordinance pass. People have the right to smoke if they want to as long as it's outside. I believe in restaurants it is inappropriate but on the exterior, outside public places it would be ridiculous and against the constitution. People have a right to smoke if they want to. What's next? It's just ridiculous.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I am a smoker, an adult, and beleive I deserve the right to smoke as along as I'm not offending someone who is eating. There are separate places in restaurants. There are so many places you go to where you cant smoke. I dont see why there cant be a few spots in designated areas for smokers.

submitted on: 05-28-02

This is not something that government should be involved in. These may be 'public' places but in bars and such it is still private property. This is Fort Collins, not Boulder.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I am a smoker and I dont think its anybody's business who smokes or who doesn't. I dont see the right of banning smoking. Pretty soon they will ban smoking outside and that's ridiculous. I think everybody has their right. This is a free country and this is part of taking freedom away.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I'm all for the banning of smoking in public. I dont have a problem with people smoking. I just feel that when it infringes upon my health, I have a problem. If they could devise some kind of apparatus to keep the smoke to themselves, I would be more than happy to occupy the same space, but until then I say ban it.

submitted on: 05-28-02

I beleive smoking in public palces is everybodies right, part of our basic rights. If you dont like it, dont do it.

submitted on: 05-28-02

If people do not want to be exposed to second hand smoke in restaurants/bars, then they should take it upon themselves to inform the management of the establishment that they will not eat or drink there due to the second hand smoke, and subsequently leave the premises. If enough people do this, there will be no need for an ordinance relating to second hand smoke. Simple economics will drive the majority of restaurant/bar owners to ban smoking outright in their establishments, or severely curtail the hours in which smoking is allowed.

submitted on: 05-28-02

Smoking should be allowed anywhere and everywhere

submitted on: 05-28-02

I think smoking should be banned in all public places in FC

submitted on: 05-28-02

A complete ban may be difficult to enforce - especially in large outdoor areas (such as parks). A ban on smoking inside public buildings (bar/restaurant/other public buildings etc.) may be enforced if non-smoking community members will help managers/owners by expressing displeasure to management if someone is found ignoring the ban. It will be up to every non-smoker to help enforce the ban, but City health and safety officers may also have to assist. Hotels have had separate smoking rooms for some time - fine for the guest to be able to choose - but not for the employee who may not have a choice whether to clean the room or not. However, it may be difficult for larger hotels not to offer any smoking rooms. Individual hotels and their employees may have to decide about rooms. Bar/restaurant areas in hotels should be smoke-free if other city bar/restaurants must also ban smoking.

submitted on: 05-28-02

Ban smoking in ALL RESTAURANTS they're empty anyways.

submitted on: 05-28-02

Ft Collins has a lot or bar/eateries because of CSU and the types of people that eat out. However for those of us looking for a meal only, we suffer the smoke and smell. If the smoking areas were at least smaller, we could survive a grandfather or step in approach to a new smoking ban.

submitted on: 05-28-02

retired, but now previously allowed in workplace. We were raised in "smoking" households. 4 siblings, all have lung problems, 2 were smokers - have severe lung problems, 2 never smoked themselves, but have some breathing problems & susceptibility to bronchitis

submitted on: 05-28-02