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Northside Aztlan Community Center Closures 4/18-19

Upcoming closures at Northside Aztlan Community Center:

  • Thurs., April 18: The gymnasium will be closed from 2-9 p.m.
  • Fri., April 19: The facility will be closed to the public until 5 p.m.

Please consider visiting one of our other recreation facilities during this time. Full facility hours can be found online at

Recreation Facility Publication Distribution License Agreement


The City of Fort Collins Recreation Department has established requirements and standards for the placement of all free publications ("magazines, periodicals, newsletters, newspapers") in City of Fort Collins Recreation Facilities.

The City of Fort Collins Recreation Department has permitted City-related and unrelated organizations to distribute free publications in Facilities without regulation. As a result, Recreation facilities have become overwhelmed with numerous publications. Publications often pile up and create an unsafe, unkempt and unsightly environment.

The City of Fort Collins Recreation Department will provide publication distribution racks in appropriate locations in Recreation Facilities. No non-City related publications may be distributed through means other than the designated distribution racks. All distributors wishing to distribute publications in Recreation Facilities must enter into a license agreement with the Recreation Department. If the distributor fails to execute a license agreement for distribution racks or is found to be in default the license agreement, the distributor will be contacted and the license agreement will be revoked or voided.

Read the 2015 Recreation Publication Distribution Policy

Distributor Requirements

Approved distributors are expected to adhere to the following requirements and processes:

Approval Steps:

  1. Complete the online application and license agreement
  2. Distributor will be contacted by City of Fort Collins staff once approved
  3. Once approved, pay the licensing fee to the Recreation Department
  4. The license entitles the distributor to use a Recreation Department provided publication rack
  5. The distributor will be provided agreement dates and locations
  6. A designated rack location or "slot" will be assigned to the distributor


  1. Distribution racks must be monitored and maintained by distributor
  2. Racks may not be "overfilled" to capacity
  3. Publications may only be located in assigned rack (other areas in facility are not permitted)
  4. No alterations may be made to City of Fort Collins distribution racks
  5. When stocking your distribution rack location please remove the outdated publication.
    1. Outdated publications will be disposed of by staff.
  6. When restocking, outdated publications must be removed by the distributor and not disposed of on City property.