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About Engineering

What We Provide

Engineering provides a full range of civil engineering services, with a primary focus on transportation projects. From surveying, drafting and design to construction management and inspection, Engineering provides total project management capabilities. The same services are also offered to Larimer County and the Colorado Department of Transportation for projects within the Fort Collins Growth Management Area (GMA).

Rights-of-way Manager

Engineering also serves as the City's right-of-way manager. This responsibility includes:

  • Construction inspection for all new streets and utilities being constructed with new developments.
  • The Transportation Capital Expansion Program, which is responsible for assessing impact fees on new developments and for managing the widening of existing streets. Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) are also handled by Transportation Capital Expansion.
  • Maintenance, repair and upgrade of bridges and railroad crossings.
  • Permitting for all activities that occur in the City's street right-of-way, such as utility excavations, driveway installations, signs and banners.
  • Archiving and document management for the site plans, utility plans and other design and construction reports related to the street system.